What People Say
“Katie quickly establishes a calm and comfortable environment whilst maintaining a professional atmosphere; this gave me the confidence to be open and honest. Katie is excellent at asking questions that prompted me to reflect and view my challenges from a different, more positive perspective and offered me the opportunity to work through and identify solutions to the challenges I was facing. Since receiving the coaching sessions with Katie, I have actively supported members of my teams to access her coaching support, as I feel all staff members, irrelevant of their profession or position in the organisation, will benefit from the time, and this will subsequently benefit the organisation as staff feel valued and supported.”
— Anna Morgan, Chief Operating Officer, NHS
“Katie is a wonderful coach. Her natural ability to connect at a powerful emotional level, makes you feel totally at ease and able to talk about anything. She is very positive and that rubs off on those she coaches. Warm, empathetic, and focused on helping you achieve more than you thought possible, by really listening (and hearing!) - helping you embark on a journey of self-discovery. Simply great, a pleasure to work with.”
— John, Performance and Partnership Manager, The Big Life Group
“Katie has been coaching a wide variety of staff over the past 3 years with the broad remit of providing a supportive environment for colleagues to take time to reflect, refocus and re-energise. From this, I have seen demonstrable impact in staff being better able to manage their stress and cope with the high demands that teaching brings. Being able to offer coaching to our staff means that we have been able to put well-being front and centre and above all, having Katie coaching in our school means that we are putting staff well-being into action. At a time when our profession is facing immense pressure, Katie’s coaching has been a source of calm and a wellspring of resilience. We have also seen a much wider impact from the direct work that Katie has done with individual colleagues, for example, it it has enhanced communication between our staff and improved working relationships. Above all else, the number of staff requesting and accessing coaching with Katie has increased after each and every cohort – a true testament to the impact of Katie’s coaching and indicative of just how much staff value her support and challenge!”
— Kizzi Matanga, Principal, Fairfield Academy
“My first contact with Katie was a telephone conversation to discuss the possibilities of a coaching requirement for an employee within my area. I didn’t have any clear ideas on what I wanted, so explained the situation to Katie and what outcome I was trying to achieve. By quickly and accurately summarising my requirements, and putting forward a few options, I was reassured that she was a capable and competent coach. When I later met with Katie face to face she was able to quickly build rapport with me and in all my subsequent dealings with Katie, I have found her to be highly professional. I would recommend her to other HR professionals.”
— Andy Jeffcutt, Senior HR Partner, Orsted
“I absolutely loved my sessions with Katie and got so much from them. It was a privilege to work with her and I cannot speak highly enough of Katie and her approach. It has made such a difference to me personally and professionally and has put me in a much better place. Katie’s support created a real oasis of calm and stability in a desert of stress and chaos.”
— Damien, Senior Leader, DRET
“The greatest benefits I took from the sessions was how at ease I felt in discussing issues of a personal nature that I hadn’t openly spoken about to anyone. As a person who tends to keep things bottled up, I was surprised to see myself opening up, being totally honest and speaking truthfully about issues I had previously hidden away from. Katie used a variety of coaching activities and tools with me and for the first time, it was clear to see the root of my concerns.”
— Tristan, Deputy Headteacher
“Coaching with Katie was an incredibly positive experience. There were moments of highs and lows regarding my emotions - and I mean this in a totally positive way! Katie posed thought-provoking questions that made me reflect quite deeply. I found that reflecting on past experiences/memories helped to answer and solve some questions that I have today. Katie created a safe space to talk, and this helped me to relax in a situation that I have never been in before - her professionalism and subject knowledge really shone through. Our sessions were a time to focus on me, it was a great opportunity to slow down and reflect on myself and put myself first for a change. It felt positive to be able to consider my own well-being and what changes I could make for the better. The coaching experience was truly empowering. I have made and will continue to make changes because of having these sessions.”
— Catherine, Senior Leader, DRET
“I feel much more comfortable in my own skin because of my coaching with Katie. The trust generated in the coaching relationship enabled me to travel with a lighter load. A load that I can manage well, rather than a load that is heavy and slows me down. I feel Katie is one of life’s life-savers!”
— Peter, Managing Director
“I found the coaching with Katie so powerful. I was sceptical at first but then was eased in and reassured by Katie as to what the sessions would be like. I thought that Katie listened very carefully and then asked me really useful questions. I enjoyed choosing what I wanted to talk about and there was never any pressure about what to talk about. Katie was really supportive and positive throughout. I now feel I understand myself a lot more and know why I do certain things. Katie enabled me to think about the decisions I make and how I could improve things that I do by getting me to answer my own questions. Katie was always calm and never judgemental which enabled me to share things with her and trust her.”
— Rebecca, Graduate
“Coaching has been a transformational experience for me. I understand what’s at the root of my unhelpful thinking patterns for the first time ever.”
“I thought I knew myself really well but coaching has given me new levels of self-awareness.”
“I have a strategy (several, in fact!) for managing challenging situations.”
“I have learnt new coping strategies enabling me to attack future problems and scenarios in a confident way.”
“My coaching sessions gave me a safe space.”
“It was a relief to be able to talk about things that were on my mind in a constructive way.”
— Apprentices, Orsted